1. Are investments in mutual fund units safe?
2. As my dividend receipts from mutual fund units were tax free under section 80 L, will I loose because of the new budget provision whereby my mutual Fund
3. What are the tax benefits for investing in mutual fund units?
4. After my first purchase, can I immediately enter another transaction?
5. Is there a minimum transaction amount for each scheme?
6. Do I need to allocate funds for investing in Mutual Funds?
7. Who are the issuers of Mutual funds in India?
8. Is there any minimum lock-in period for my units?
9. What is Shut-Out Period?
10. As a new investor how do I select a particular scheme?
11. It is very often said that Mutual Funds have performed badly. Please explain?
12. What are the rights that are available to a Mutual Fund holder?
13. Besides the NAV, are there any other parameters which can be compared across different funds of the same category?
14. How, and against what, should I benchmark the performance of a mutual fund ?
15. Are returns from mutual funds guaranteed ?
16. What is an asset management fee ?
17. Are mutual funds allowed to indulge in speculation / day trading ?
18. Who is a custodian ?
19. What is an Asset Management Company (AMC) ?
20. What are the regulations that govern a mutual fund ?
21. What is redemption price ?
22. What is purchase (sale) price ?
23. Can the buy and sell price be different from the NAV ?
24. What are loads ?
25. What is Net Asset Value (NAV) ?
26. Does investing in Mutual Funds mean investing in equities?
27. What are the types of risks in Mutual Funds?
28. Are returns from mutual funds guaranteed?